Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Some days, I just need a little soul.

Or to just go searching for mine again.

Usually, I find it in a musical tune or two, maybe a quote that just speaks volumes.

Today, it was hitting it old-school. 

Growing up in the 90s mostly, TRL was my mecca for all-things cooler than me.
Everyday, at like 3 pm, I'd turn on the tv, an only child with the parents at work, and it was just me and my rockstars. 

You know what I'm talking about, the mid-TRL era where turning on MTV was like following Britney Spears on twitter (MTVNews? Yea?), and you could send in your votes, thoughts, and shout-outs on your dial-up computer to eagerly await watching them scroll across your tv screen during TRL.

Well, fast forward to 2009. TRL has retired. 

There's a month left of the spring semester. I enroll next week for my last semester ever at OU. 

That's a lot to take in! And as all of the fabulous people I've met here are realizing more or less the same, we're all moving in our separate ways.

The truth is, in the end, you have to rely on yourself.
And that's an idea I think I've pulled away from.

Recently, I've allowed thoughts, ideas, and people to push me around.
But this morning, I woke up with a refreshing old-school ideal.
If you're not happy, change something.
And then, Destiny's Child started singing to me in my head. ha.

So here you go. My Mid-TRL-era influence for the day:

Peace & Love - Rdub.

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