Sunday, March 29, 2009

back to the blogging board.

hello, hello.

in the never-ending demands of school, sometimes its nice to just sit back and watch a little tv.
while i enjoy tv for background noise (not going green, i know), i looked up from reading my book for Chinese Politics and saw five animated huskies singing and dancing. what the heck! haha. sometimes tv scares me.

i always look back at blogs and just laugh at how naive and dumb i am.
but either way, it's a good way to keep up with myself.
the memories fade so quickly, its almost disturbing.

weekend update:
1) i refuse to see A Haunting in Connecticut
2) i am a proud to be an Oklahoma Sooner (and i HATE unc)
3) the events of this weekend weren't the best. but what can ya do.

"If you wait to do everything until you're sure its right, you'll probably never do much of anything." -Win Borden

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