Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Geez, time flies.

My last post was Apr 1st.
Goodness. It's now May 12th.

Important: Happy Birthday to my Aunt Marla.
If anyone could assume the "Stand-In Mother" role, it'd be her.

In other news, it's finals week.
I had three in the past 36 hours. Talk about nasty.

I'm actually blogging to avoid packing up my apartment.
I just really hate packing. I've lived here for two years so who knows what I will discover while putting everything into ugly copy paper boxes.  I also have to sort my stuff between three areas - it's like a double divorce with myself: new apt, home, CT.

Speaking of CT ... 
The blog name changed to reflect my summer.
I'm going back to Connecticut for a second internship with the same company.
This time, though, it's already setting up a little differently.
For starters, I'll have a car. Which is bittersweet, because so many of Robin and I's awesome stories came from bumming rides off of people  ... but at the same time, I get my independence. I am very independent, so this should be nice. I can't wait to see what Connecticut is like from a whole new perspective.

The road trip from Tulsa to Hartford is approximately 1,500 miles, or exactly one day's drive.  My dad is coming with me, which should be interesting. Even if you know my dad, you don't know him traveling. It should be enough bonding for the two of us for a while. =) Oh, we're stopping in Cleveland to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, so that's why it's a midpoint on the map. Other than that, who knows what we'll see. If I get the chance I'll update about the adventures that happen along the way.

I look forward to plenty of things in Connecticut, but I'm sure I'll delve further into that later.

For now, a short list of anticipated items :
-- A four-day mini-summer in Tulsa with the fam.  
(let me know if you're in town!)
-- Going SAILING this summer in Annapolis with Teeman. =)
-- Moving into a new apartment with awesome girls in the fall.
-- Graduating in December
-- My worldwide vaca in Spring 2010.
-- Getting onnnn with my life.

And a list of currents.
Music : Beyonce's new album.
Movie (ish) : Dawson's Creek Season Four.
I know the two above choices are really strange, but finals is always an interesting time with entertainment. 

Until next time, I'm going to pack and watch the Celtics DOMMM (fingers crossed).

Peace & Love,

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